
Monday, March 28, 2011

Fly Fishing Gadgets

By Mick Moore

Along with the clothing and your balanced outfit there are plenty of products that you should own for fly fishing. A few of these accessories might appear strange, but when wading, it is important to have all of your gear and tools on hand.

You already possess your fly fishing vest with plenty of big pockets, because that is a part of a fly fisherman's fundamental wardrobe. It's advisable to put an area of sheepskin on the front of the vest where you can keep alternate flies on hand. You should also have a spring-loaded retractable spool that attaches to your vest to hold a pair of nail clippers. They come in very handy for cutting knots. You might want to attach a patch of rubber for straightening leaders. Ideally, the vest should have a large back pocket to carry light rain supplies. Some vests additionally have a band at the back of the collar, where you can attach the net to keep it out of the way.

The selection of your fly containers is critical. You need to have large compartments where you can stash dry flies without smashing their hackles. You should also have a couple of smaller boxes with foam linings and metal clips. These are for keeping your wet flies, nymphs, and streamers. Having a handful of small vials to hold your dry of flies after catching a fish likewise is very useful.

A spare spool for your reel, already loaded with backing and line, is a good idea to have with you. Also a number of spools of monofilament leader material, a leader wallet, a sharpening stone, and a Swiss Army knife are fundamental for the fly fisherman to have in easy reach.

Bug repellent is crucial when fly fishing. The main component in lots of insect repellents is DEET, which is an industrial solvent and can ruin the varnish on your fly rod, eat away the coating on your fly line, weaken your leaders and destroy your rain gear. If you do use an insect repellent with DEET be very mindful of what it touches and try to limit its use. There are many products nowadays that do not include that solvent.

Owning an excellent set of polarized glasses will allow you to see the fish and protect your eyes from the damaging rays of the sun. It's also necessary to have a small pocket flashlight with a versatile neck. This really is very helpful for many things including changing flies at sundown or daybreak. Other beneficial products include things like a thermometer, a small container of split shot, a good knife with several blades, and a small first aid emergency kit.

Many fishers like to take a collapsible wading staff with them while fly fishing. It helps them to keep their footing if they are wading in a heavy current or on a slippery, rocky bottom. A small cotton mesh net with a short handle comes in handy for netting your fish. If you are planning to keep your catch a small canvas or weaved willow basket for holding your fish will function effectively.

There are many other accessories available for fly fishing currently. Many of the choices depend on each fisherman's individual needs and wants.

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